Friday, February 28, 2014

PhoneGap 3.4 Environment Setup and Create Cordova Project

PhoneGap 3.4 Environment Setup and Create Cordova Project

It’s been a long time to identify the working functionality of Cordova or PhoneGap versions 2.7 to 3.4 (2.7.0, 2.8.0, 2.8.1, 2.9.0, 3.0.0, 3.1.0, 3.2.0, 3.3.0, 3.4.0) for Windows.  I went through many blogs and forums to setup my Cordova or PhoneGap environment at office. As you know most of our organizations does uses the proxy network and it will block your process in the middle of your setup. Because, now PhoneGap is dependent on Node JS, Apache Ant, Java JDK and Android SDK, so you have to be complete on setting up those requirements.

Now here I am going to tell you the complete PhoneGap setup up in few steps with Eclipse IDE.

1)      Java JDK
Note: Make sure you download 32 bit JDK and version above 6, most cases Android SDK does not find Java and you will face the issue like “JDK Not Founderror.
2)      Node JS
Note: Windows Installer (.msi) 32 bit version
3)      Apache Ant
Note: zip archive binary version
4)      Android SDK ADT Bundle for Windows
5)      Cordova Archive File
Note: Source zip

Download all the required files from above locations.
Installation steps:
1)      Java
Install Java in your system and setup the environment variables for JDK as below.
Variable Name: JAVA_HOME
Variable Value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45;
Variable Name: PATH
Variable Value: %JAVA_HOME%\bin;

Now check your Java environment is set
Open Command Prompt and type command java –version like below and check your java version is displayed.

2)      Node JS
Install Node JS, Node JS will set his environment variable himself
Now check your Java environment is set
Open Command Prompt and type command java –version like below and check your java version is displayed.

If Node JS version is not displayed then follow bellow steps to set environment variable for Node JS else skip it.
Variable Name: PATH
Variable Value: C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name\Application Data\npm;
Variable Name: PATH
Variable Value: C:\Your Installation Path\To Node JS\

3)      Apache Ant
Install Apache Ant in your system and setup the environment variables for Apache Ant as below.
Variable Name: ANT_HOME
Variable Value: C:\Your Path\To Ant\apache-ant-1.9.3;
Variable Name: PATH
Variable Value: %ANT_HOME%\bin;

Now check your Apache Ant environment is set
Open Command Prompt and type command ant –version like below and check your Apache Ant version is displayed.

4)      Android SDK ADT Bundle for Windows
Download and extract your bundle in your development environment. Make sure do not change the extracted folder structure of eclipse, sdk and SDK Manager.exe.
Setup the environment variables for JDK as below.
Variable Value: C:\Location To\Your Work\Environment\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20131030\sdk;
Variable Name: PATH
Variable Value: C:\Location To\Your Work\Environment\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20131030\sdk\platform-tools;
Variable Name: PATH
Variable Value: C:\Location To\Your Work\Environment\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20131030\sdk\tools;

Now check your Android SDK environment is set
Open Command Prompt and type command android list target like below and check your android target is displayed.

5)      Finally Cordova Archive File
Download and extract Cordova to your working location then extract android folder
Now your path looks like C:\ Location To\Your Cordova\cordova-3.4.0\cordova-android

Now we are done with our environment setup for Cordova version 3.4.0.
Let us start with creating Cordova PhoneGap project.

To create Cordova PhoneGap project,
Open command prompt
Navigate to your Cordova android location

C:\>cd C:\Location To\Your Cordova\cordova-3.4.0\cordova-android\bin

C:\Location To\Your Cordova\cordova-3.4.0\cordova-android\bin>

Now Use Create command to create Codova or PhoneGap project
The general format of create command will be like below
Create ProjectLocation PackageName ProjectName
Ex: create   c:\MyFirstCordova3.4App\   com.mycompany.MyFirstApp  MyFirstApp

C:\Location To\Your Cordova\cordova-3.4.0\cordova-android\bin>create c:\MyFirstCordova3.4App\ com.mycompany.MyFirstApp MyFirstApp

Now we have successfully created our Cordova PhoneGap project

Next step will be to import our project into eclipse.

Open eclipse from your work environment.
From the left project explorer pane right click and choose import -> Android -> Existing Android Code into Workspace

Click next and browse your project location to Root Directory then click Finish
Note: Do not click on Copy projects into workspace, because this will produce some path error to your workspace.

Now you will find two folders MyFirstApp and MyFirstApp-CordovaLib in your project pane.
Once imported you may get few error on import statement of Java Class file, to resolve this, add cordovalib.jar file to your Android Dependency folder from MyFirstApp-CordovaLib.
Now right click your project click run as -> Android Application. It will launch an emulator with Virtual Device you setup and will open your Cordova Home page.

That is itJ. Now we are ready to start.